Product Review: Hemingway App Editor

When you write a piece of article you want it perfect. If that article happens to be a blog you want it Awesome!

As the bloggers around the world would know, proof-reading a dozen times isn’t enough. Sometimes, you need an expert set of eyes to help you make it golden. We often ask our friends and family for a feedback because we trust them. But what if you found out that somewhere in the world of Internet there is an App that serves this purpose. I was amazed when I discovered its existence through Neil Patel‘s article.

Introducing you Hemingway App, a perfect blog editing tool.

Screenshot from 2016-05-09 20:08:52

The app is quite easy to understand by all age groups. In the center top, you see all the familiar buttons from Microsoft Word: Bold, Italic, etc. Simple, eh?

On your right, you see Readability bar with color coded boxes below it which points out mistakes in your post. I understand you have worked hard to create a post for which you deserve credit, especially if it’s authentic and interesting. This editor not only pinpoints mistakes but also offers suggestions for improvement. For example, the pink box on the right shows if a phrase has a simpler alternative. The use of different colors allows you to focus, which helps to make the post gripping to your readers.

Take a look at the excerpt from this blog,


As you can see the editor displays lots of mistakes with a variety of colors. Also, the readability is at 9 which is still “Good” but we wanna bring it to a 7. What the Readability suggests is that my blog, as it is right now, is understandable to a grade 9 student. You wanna keep it low so you can influence more audiences and it’s easier to understand.

You can see how Hemingway Editor showcases my current mistakes. It uses light colors which do not cause strain on my eyes which make it simple and easy to follow.

Now observe how the editor helped me to make changes to the post.





Screenshot from 2016-05-10 10:57:32.png

So, as you can see the difference between the two images. With the help of Hemingway, I was able to correct all the mistakes and even readability has improved! Notice all the red highlights in the first picture and see how it disappeared after editing. Also, the sentences feel simpler and easier to read.

Let’s now focus on a key element of the editor, i.e. the word count.

Observe the following images,





Not only the readability has improved but the number of words has decreased too. Now that is a good thing! Another important factor is the time it took the editor to scan through my text. The first time it took a little more than a minute, but the second time it took under 1 minute! I don’t think you need to write lengthy blogs that are time-consuming. I feel it’s better and also convenient if the reader gets useful content in the shortest of time possible. Hemingway App just saved your time and made it more convenient for you to read my blog posts.

The creators of Hemingway App have kept in mind the ease of access. Which means, you can export/import files from Microsoft Word, write your blog in HTML format, and a lot more! What I love the most about this app is that it works offline too! You can buy the app for only $9.99 and it works perfectly with both Mac and Windows. Have you ever had more use out of anything before? Take this app on a test drive and judge yourself if it’s a keeper.

Pros & Cons:

No review is complete without a pros and cons list. Below are my pros and cons list for Hemingway App Review.


  • It’s Free
  • Easy to Use
  • Works on Windows & Mac
  • Offline Accessibility
  • Uses different colors to pinpoint mistakes from the text
  • Gives an exact count of grammatical errors


  • Does not offer suggestions to improve mistakes
  • Does not check punctuation
  • Focussed towards decreasing character count and saving time as compared to the length of text


It’s always handy to have the right tools for someone whose life depends on the writing. A tool like Hemingway can help you save loads of time and corrections that you might overlook.

I am certain there are other good and useful tools on the internet which I would be glad to use. If you have used a similar tool I’d appreciate if you share with me and everyone else in the comments section.


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